AMERICAN line dancing is set to take Leyland by storm in a four-day festival.

Hundreds of dancers from all over the country will don their dancing shoes and cowboy hats in an extravaganza from Good Friday to Easter Monday at the town's leisure centre.

The American craze has become a firm favourite there during the past few months.

Instructors John and Jeanette Sandham caught the dancing bug ten years ago and now run lessons at the leisure centre every Monday afternoon.

John said: "In the past year more and more people have started to learn the dance. People have come in their droves - London hasn't got a patch on Leyland."

The festival used to be held at Hebden Bridge, in Yorkshire, but organisers, the British Western Dance Organisation, (BWDO) decided to move to Leyland in their search for a bigger hall.

And the BWDO expects about 400 people to gather for the festival, which will include demonstrations, lessons as well as special introductory classes for locals.

During the evening, beginners will have a chance to put their new found skills to the test along to music from the Hillsiders, Henry Smith and the Dalton Boys, and the Painted Ponies from Accrington.

Mr Sandham added: "If it's successful we hope to make it an annual event."

If you would like to get in training before the festival call John and Janette on 01772-734324 for details.

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