A DISABLED Preston man is braving all weathers to raise cash for the charity that helped him.

Ray Kirkham sits in his electric wheelchair outside the Community Transport centre in Chapel Yard, Lune Street, Preston. His aim is to sell 75,000 tickets and raise £15,000 for more wheelchairs.

Ray, 55, told the Citizen: "My wheelchair cost £3,000 and I hope to raise money so other people can have the freedom I enjoy. I've had some cold days, but the selling is going well."

So far Ray has raised £900 in just one month for the service that provides him and other disabled people free use of electric wheelchairs to get about town.

Community Transport's John Atkins said: "Ray does a wonderful job for us. He sits out in the car park six days a week in all weather and plans to carry on until the draw in July."

The service has been running for six years and despite support from Preston and Lancashire County councils, it relies heavily on outside help.

Last year Barclays Bank donated £2,500 and smaller grants came from Boots and Help the Aged.

Mr Atkins said: "Requests for wheelchairs and scooters has doubled since 1990. Each machine costs £3,000 and it's difficult to keep with demand from our customers, but we don't like turning people away."

The Centre always welcomes support and raffle tickets are available from the office. If you can help, ring 01772-204667.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.