A SCHOOL governor has helped a Preston primary school forge links with children from the Greek village he served in during the war.

Ron Yates, 72, was on the island of Chios in 1944 distributing medical supplies to locals.

He made so many friends, including the Mayor, he regularly visits the island to catch up on old times.

On one trip a child complained they never get chance to practise their English - so he set up a link with Moor Nook primary, where he is a governor.

The pupils now regularly exchange letters and poems. Ron, of Longridge Road, Ribbleton, said: "The Greek children are compulsory taught our language, but because it is a small village they don't often see English people to talk to.

"I thought exchanging letters was an excellent way for the children to find out about different cultures in an interesting way - and writing in English helps the Greek children with their education.

"Earlier this year a small group from Moor Nook sent the Greek youngsters some pictures of snow - they've never seen it before and they were amazed. They are also keen birdwatchers so we tell them about all the different species of birds we have in Preston."

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