YOU reported (LET, March 9) that a dairy had been fined for selling three bottles of milk contaminated with dung.

It was further stated that the Environmental Health Department found the milk was contaminated four times over the accepted level.

This I find to be truly amazing. Are we being told that there is an accepted level of dung in our milk? If so, just how much dung can we take?

It would be interesting to know what other pollutants are allowed in our foodstuffs.

I remember watching a TV programme about pigs being slaughtered in an abattoir. It showed them having their throats cut, and the blood being caught in containers to make black pudding. Not only was blood being collected, but there were also other body fluids apparently dripping in with it.

Now, along with black pudding, dung milk shakes are off my shopping list.

I'm sure that with more information from Environmental Health, I could reduce it much further. We should be told!

GORDON AYRE, Union Road, Oswaldtwistle.

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