IT'S all change for Bury Council's telephone numbers and there's a giant banner draped over the front of the Town Hall to tell everyone. The Local Authority is being phased onto the new FeatureNet system which will substantially cut the cost of telephone calls.

When completed, calls between Local Authority buildings will be free, and to sites out of the system, there will be a 17.5 per cent discount over the standard rate.

For the public it will mean quicker and easier access to sort their problems and queries out.

Over the first three months callers dialling the old Bury Metro number will be intercepted by BT and given the correct central switchboard number.

Operators there will be able to transfer all incoming calls to any telephone included in FeatureNet, or the Authority's old system before it is phased out completely.

Bury Metro's Information Technology Sub-Committee Chairman, Councillor Mike Connolly said:

" Because of the complexity of the switch-over it has been necessary to phase in our buildings, depots and facilities over several weeks and we expect that all will be fully operational by early April."

Councillor Connolly added: "While all the 67 sites involved are being connected we would urge any callers experiencing problems, particularly on transfers between departments, to contact the main central switchboard number and any difficulties will quickly be sorted out there."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.