AN MP is urging parents to search their children's schoolbags and pockets for knives.

Nigel Evans is worried that dangerous weapons are too easily available to youngsters under the age of 16.

The Ribble Valley MP says the only way to avoid another murder - like that of headteacher Philip Lawrence knifed to death by schoolchildren - is to make sure lethal weapons don't get into the wrong hands.

He spoke out following complaints from one of his Ribble Valley constituents who received junk mail through his door advertising ninja throwing knives and 27-inch steel blades. Mr Evans feared any child capable of filling in a form could get hold of them.

He said: "Some of the advertisements were offensive. It's particularly worrying as they could easily fall into the hands of youngsters.

"It cannot be right that such material is freely available to the public and anyone can buy weapons by mail order without having to prove their age. There should be a law that bans children under 16 from buying knives. I'm urging ministers to check if the Advertising Standards Agency can ban these advertisements. I know I have cross-party support, and the support of every parent in the land." He advised parents to be responsible and make sure their children were not taking weapons to school.

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