AN 85-year-old woman is recovering in hospital after a daylight attack which left her with a broken arm.

The woman and a 75-year-old friend were attacked by two men in Barton Close, St Helens as they made their way home from a shopping trip.

After snatching the women's shopping bags, the men - are described as tall and slim - pushed the 85-year-old to the floor. As a result of the attack she was taken to Whiston Hospital where she was detained suffering from a broken left arm, broken thumb, cuts and bruises to the face, and shock.

One of the stolen shopping bags was later found on waste land at the back of Lowe House Church minus the purse and contents. The other bag has not been found.

Police are anxious to talk to anyone who may have witnessed the incident, which took place at about 2.30pm on Wednesday, March 6, or saw two men acting suspiciously. One of the attackers was wearing a navy-coloured jacket with a broad grey stripe across the back.

Detective Sergeant Peter Roberts said: "This is a despicable crime and we would like to hear from anyone who may be able to help us catch the two men who carried out this cowardly attack."

ANYONE who may be able to help can contact the Crime Management Unit at St Helens police station on 0151 777 6050, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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