SPIRALLING car crime has sparked a security step-up at Howe Bridge Sports Centre.

Upgraded lighting will soon be in place and security cameras are planned to deter car thieves who target the leisure centre car park.

Patrons and staff have called for action because of an increase in thefts of and from vehicles parked there.

A concerned local told The Journal her daughter's car had been stolen from the centre at 2pm on a Monday.

"Staff at the centre told me the problem is getting worse and they are concerned about their own vehicle security. My daughter's Nova disappeared while she was in the gym," she said.

A Council spokesman said:"It is a matter of concern and the Council is doing everything it can to step-up security.

"Fencing improvements and tree pruning has been carried out to make it more difficult for people to melt away into the darkness.

"Several thousands of pounds are being spent imminently on upgraded lighting."

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