MORECAMBE'S ill-fated Crinkley Bottom park raised its head again this week in a report published by the Local Government Ombudsman. The Ombudsman was called in when residents living close to Happy Mount Park complained about the Blobby buildings being created in the park and claimed they should have had more consultation about the changes taking place. They say that didn't happen because the council broke rules and granted itself planning permission without properly considering whether the buildings were a departure from its own Local Plan. Had that been the case, the matter would have gone before the Secretary of State and could have been "called in", giving residents more consultation. The Ombudsman's final report, published this week, criticises the way the council handled the affair but concludes that there was no injustice done to the complaining residents.

The report states: "It seems to me that even if the council had decided to refer its planning application to the Secretary of State, there is no basis for me to conclude that he would have called it in or, having done so, reached a different conclusion.

"For this reason, I cannot conclude that the complainants have suffered an injustice."

However, the report does have a sting in the tail for the council with the Ombudsman warning it to make sure that it not only acts reasonably but is seen to act reasonably. The planning committee will discuss the report in April.

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