STUDENT Pat O'Brien has had a play he wrote as part of his college studies broadcast across the airwaves.

The 10-minute dialogue was recorded by popular DJ Alan Beswick, of GMR radio, and featured on BBC Radio Merseyside.

Pat, 28, of Church Street, Haslingden, is currently studying for a degree in Cultural Studies at Accrington and Rossendale College. He wrote his mini-drama last year as part of his Open College English course.

The play is centred around a professional boxer who has just killed an opponent in the ring. Pat said: "I first contacted Radio Lancashire and they put me in touch with a programme on Radio Merseyside called Write Now.

"My 10-minute dialogue was longer than they usually use but the producer liked it so much they decided to broadcast it."

Pat has also had his work published in various magazines.

He added: "I want to be a freelance writer and I think my cultural studies degree will help me."

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