SPARKS flew as a race harmony group was accused of throwing open its doors to racists and filling its ranks with "crackpot" organisations.

Long-serving Burnley and Pendle Racial Equality Council member Norman Gregson also accused the group of being directionless and dividing the Asian communities, as he walked out on the group.

His blistering resignation letter, which accused the REC of mounting dirty tricks campaigns against "anyone with any initiative", was immediately condemned by executive committee members.

"There is simply no merit in what he says," said REC director Aziz Chaudhry.

And there was a bitter response from the executive when member Mohammed Najib called for a vote of thanks for Mr Gregson's past work.

Nelson GP Dr Q.M. Jehangir retorted: "He has condemned this organisation and does not deserve thanks."

Pendle councillor Azhar Ali said Mr Gregson had done little work in recent years. "It would be wrong to thank him for the work he has not done and for condemning the hard work that has been done." he said. In his letter, retired college lecturer Mr Gregson, a long-time head of Burnley's Bangladesh Welfare Association, said the REC was at a standstill and directionless.

He said" "I have never come across such a large conglomerate of crackpot and or invented organisations claiming to represent the community.

"Racism, instead of being opposed, is tolerated to such a degree that racists are allowed to become members of the Council, one of whom being made guest of honour at a public meeting convened by the REC."

His parting shot added: "I doubt if anything will ever change because anyone with any initiative invariably becomes the victim of dirty tricks campaign of one form or another to have that person discredited to such a point that the perpetrators actually believe the half-truths they have been spreading."

Director Mr Chaudhry said he simply could not agree with anything Mr Gregson was saying, which was aimed at creating division and unrest.

"I would always talk to racists, because that is the only hope of converting them to a reasonable and fair view of things," he added.

Two months ago, Mr Gregson quit Burnley Labour Party executive, complaining it was filled with toffee apple socialists - "red on the outside and yellow on the inside."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.