FAMILIES interested in tracing their ancestors can now find extra help at Burnley Central Library.

Two local historians, Jack Nadin and Molly Haines, have recently completed indexes which will provide invaluable help in tracing family histories.

Mr Nadin has donated copies of his local newspaper index for the 20th century to the reference and local studies library.

It indexes the chronologies which appeared at the end of each year in the Burnley Express between 1900 and 1962.

He has extracted nearly 8,000 entries, covering not only births, marriages and deaths but the opening, or closing, of prominent buildings.

Mrs Haines has completed a card index of the photographs of service personnel which were a regular feature of the local press during and just after the last war.

It contains about 6,000 entries and forms another useful aid to family historians.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.