TWO teachers looked to the heavens when they wanted fresh ideas for interesting lessons.

Philip Sowerbutts and Janet Prowse decided to spend a week in Blackburn Cathedral to see how they could use the fine building to teach aspects of the National Curriculum.

The seeds of the idea grew after Philip, who teaches at St Andrew's Primary School, Livesey, spent time in the education department of Chester Cathedral.

The Church is also keen to attract more visitors and educate the public about its role.

Philip and Janet - who teaches at St Peter's School, Chorley - attracted some interest as they walked up and down the aisles, making notes and measuring.

They have been investigating not just using the cathedral as the basis of religious education but for the whole spectrum of subjects including science, art, music and history.

"The obvious thing is RE, but you can extend it further by looking at areas such as history or the maths involved in the different shapes in the building," said Philip.

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