A DESPERATE plea for help to combat the problem of speeding traffic in a Ribble Valley village will have to remain unanswered.

Residents have been told by the county's Highways and Transportation Committee there is no cash for traffic calming measures in Mellor.

Local people have been campaigning to stop motorists using the village as a 'rat run'.

The situation has been made worse by the major works at Brownhill roundabout in Blackburn.

Names have been collected on several petitions and a public meeting in the village just over a week ago reflected the strength of feeling.

Ribble Valley borough councillor Charles Warkman lives in Mellor and has campaigned for the county council help to ease traffic problems.

But members of the Highways Committee said that, while they were sympathetic, no cash was available for traffic calming schemes. The situation will be reviewed at a later date.

County councillor Chris Holtom, who is also the leader of Ribble Valley Borough Council, said: "Residents have been concerned that the increased traffic and the speed of that traffic passing through their village is not only affecting the quality of their lives but is also creating a definite road hazard.

"We know we cannot stop drivers using the Mellor roads to get from A to B, but there should be some kind of scheme to slow vehicles down."

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