BLACKBURN Council blames everyone but itself for the swingeing increase in council tax. It is the Tory Government which, they say, must be held responsible, not their own incompetence and adherence to political dogma.

Yet these same councillors put themselves forward at every opportunity for a pat on the back without one jot of credit being given to the Government, which has poured millions of pounds into the town to pay for all sorts of schemes.

Without its concerted help, this socialist-run town would have been a very dire place in which to live. What grieves the council is that the Tories have had the wisdom to direct funds to specific projects like City Challenge. Everyone can see the benefit of that strategy instead of letting councillors have access to funds which they can fritter away on nonsensical projects that fit in with their view of political correctness.

For these socialists to declare that the Government is starving the town of funds is rubbish - of which, incidentally, anyone looking around the streets of Blackburn can see the town has an abundance; a striking example of the efficiency and quality of service provided out of this extortionate council tax.

WALT MEADOWS, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.

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