A CANADIAN citizen who has spent all his life doubting his family origins has discovered he is British and is now trying to trace the father he never knew.

William Sheard was born on June 5 1942 in Burnley. His mum is Josephine Dixon who, at that time, lived at Hart Street.

She married a Canadian soldier, Richard Parrington Sheard, in 1945 and a year later emigrated to Canada with her son.

She had three sons with Richard, but William says: "From an early age, I would question my mum about relatives in England.

"From as far back as I can remember, I had this feeling that I somehow did not belong where I was."

Twenty years after the death of his stepfather, William began researching his background.

He obtained his stepfather's military record in 1994 which is when his doubts were confirmed and he found out he was adopted. "I felt elated, joyous, exonerated. I felt I now have the legitimacy to feel British. I am British!" He said.

That is when he began trying to find out who his real father was. His mum suffers from Alzheimer's disease and so cannot help her son in his search. Now he is asking the people of East Lancashire for help.

William's father was Norman Lyttle and is believed to have lived in or around the Burnley area in 1942.

His mum also has a brother Billy Moffatt who still lives in or around Burnley.

William added: "I would like to make contact with my dad and perhaps meet him if he is still alive.

"If there is anyone who remembers or knows of this man, Norman Lyttle, please write to me William Sheard 363 Ferry Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3J 1W3 Canada."

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