I WOULD like to express my own and my family's great relief through your newspaper and to thank our local councils who are at last doing something positive to stamp out the nuisance caused by noisy neighbours.

For more than three years we have had our lives completely disrupted by these inconsiderate, self-opinionated imbeciles who think they have the right to conduct themselves in whatever boisterous manner they choose, regardless of other people.

It was gratifying to read that "The Time Has Come". These noisy individuals can no longer simply please themselves. New government and local council by-laws are coming into force to strengthen the previous Noise Bill.

For far too long victims of noisy neighbours have suffered in silence. Thankfully these times are over.

Victims are being encouraged to speak out and voice their complaints. They don't need to be intimidated any more with disturbances to their lives. They don't need to feel any form of abuses or put up with being subjected to threats and abuses. The days of the noisy neighbour brigade are over. The law is now fully on the side of victims. With this in mind I would ask all victims of noise nuisance to help others accordingly. Write to your local newspapers. Contact your local councils and community police officers. Don't suffer any longer. These official sources can bring peace, rest and comfort back into your own private lives.

Barry Graham

Bolton Road


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