SOUTH west Burnley, the borough's biggest crime blackspot, is being targeted in the latest Safer Cities project.

The police and the council will combine to try to cut the rising number of burglaries and other offences in the area, which includes Trafalgar, Accrington Road, Coal Clough, Stoops and Hargher Clough.

Anti-crime schemes that have proved successful in Burnley Wood are to be used in the new campaign. They include activities for young people, security-marking on valuable property, protection for witnesses and drugs education.

The south west Burnley project was launched on Wednesday. Burnley's police chief, Superintendent Mike Griffin, said: "We have seen in Burnley Wood what sort of difference can be made by well thought-out crime prevention measures.

"We are sticking with our approach of targeting the areas which are suffering most from crime, and we hope to see the same sort of success here as we have had in Burnley Wood."

Council leader Kath Reade, chairperson of Safer Cities steering committee, said: "We have learned a great deal from working in partnership in Burnley Wood and we are bringing in even more partners in our efforts to tackle crime in south west Burnley.

"This is a model which, in future, I would like to see right across the borough"

Safer Cities co-ordinator Graham Smyth said: "It's important that crime prevention incorporates a range of measures. We're delighted with the way a variety of approaches are coming together in south west Burnley."

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