BURNLEY surgeon, Professor David McLeod delivered the knockout blow to Frank Bruno's long boxing career when he told him: "Fight again and risk losing your sight."

The top British eye specialist's words proved more devastating than the iron fists of Mike Tyson or Lennox Lewis who had smashed the former world heavyweight champion into near oblivion in the ring - only to see him vow to continue boxing.

Burnley-born Professor David McLeod, 50, told the heavyweight hero that a single blow could leave him blind in one eye.

The prognosis was more telling on the 34-year-old ex-champion than the avalanche of advice to quit from family, friends and fight pundits since losing his championship to Tyson in a two-round hammering in March.

Frank who quickly announced his retirement said today: "I was in shock as soon as he told me and it still hasn't really sunk in. I haven't been able to sleep properly - it's just been going round and round in my head.

"I never wanted to end like this but at the end of the day, I'm glad I had a good innings."

Ironically it was the man who saved big Frank's career and relaunched him to multi-million pounds success in the ring, who ended it during a routine check at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital this week. The former Burnley Grammar School pupil operated on Bruno's torn retina five years ago, probably caused by Tyson in their first encounter - surgery which proved successful and allowed the British boxer to continue a ring career which saw him twice again challenge for the world crown.

But his dreams of yet another rematch were dashed by the surgeon, who also saved the sight of former British boxing champions Gary Mason and Maurice Hope.

Bruno said: "He told me my eye wouldn't pass British Board of Control regulations. I went hot and cold and my mouth dropped open.

"He told me the risks of going back into the ring were too great and I didn't argue."

Prof McLeod said: "I read him the Riot act. There is a risk he could be blinded.

"He is in danger of a retinal detachment. There is no point in exposing himself to that."

Professor McLeod's family live in Burnley and his brother, Mike, runs a local printing firm.

He studied medicine in Edinburgh and spent 15 years as a consultant at the renowned Moorfields eye hospital in London before taking up the Manchester professorship seven years ago.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.