AN EXPANDING print firm is to move out of its cramped premises in a converted Victorian school and into a modern factory next year with the promise of extra jobs.

Printoff Graphic Arts, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in August, is moving to a "green field" site on the new extension to Lomeshaye Industrial Estate, Nelson.

Managing director and Pendle councillor Allan Buck started work on the new building by turning over the first sod of earth on the site.

The new factory will be three times larger than Printoff's present site in Lomeshaye Road, Nelson.

The company, which currently employs 30 people, is hoping to take on extra staff when the building is completed next Easter. Mr Buck said the workforce could rise to 50 people once the factory is up and running.

Printoff has been at its present site since 1982.

The building is more than 100 years old and although the company has converted its interior it is not suitable for Printoff's business needs.

The firm's clients include banks, building societies, leading national firms and local authorities.

It is also doing an increasing amount of work for schools and colleges, printing glossy prospectuses to attract parents and new pupils.

Printoff works for more than 250 schools and colleges across England and Wales.

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