PROPOSALS to close a road to make way for a new railfreight terminal have been angrily slammed by Leyland MP Robert Atkins.

The South Ribble Tory has joined residents fighting the decision to shut Centurion Way, Farington, saying it will limit their access to local amenities.

Mr Atkins explained that although he was in favour of the terminal, the road closure would particularly affect people living on Wheelton Lane who would be cut off from Farington.

He said: "They are concerned the closure for the railfreight terminal will cut off a number of things from the rest of the parish such as the post office, local schools and clubs," he added.

Mr Atkins said people would be forced to use Wheelton Lane as a detour causing it to become congested.

He claimed that in original plans South Ribble Council and Lancashire Enterprises Ltd promised no closures until a new link road was built: "A commitment was given that this road would not be cut off.

"I have objected to the Secretary of State for Transport and I understand the Wheelton Lane Action group is raising a petition for local residents which they will present to me," he added.

Christine Harrison, of the Wheelton Lane Action Group, said: "We are very happy to have the support of our local MP."

Councillor Tony Kelly, leader of South Ribble Borough Council, said: "We would not make promises we could not keep and I am sure the link road will go in first."

The council have given outline planning permission for the terminal but separate planning permission will be needed to close the road. Until October 28 there is a consultation period and objectors have until then to voice their concerns.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.