RESTAURATEUR Craig Bancroft has appeared on a top TV show to dispel some of the myths about wine.

Craig, the wine expert and business brains behind the hugely successful Northcote Manor restaurant in Langho, appeared on This Morning With Richard and Judy.

He was giving advice on which wines go well with chocolate desserts.

Craig, who is also a regular guest on satellite TV's The Great Grape Show, says he loves his television appearances.

He said: "It is a real buzz appearing on television, especially live TV, which can get a bit chaotic. "My appearance on This Morning was prompted by an article in the Times newspaper which said that red wine and chocolate are good for you - in moderation.

"Suddenly everybody started thinking that they go well together, but quite often they don't.

"But there are a lot of good wines that do go well with chocolate."

By chocolate, Craig means chocolate desserts including tarts, gateau, mousse and souffle.

He said: "Everybody loves a delicious chocolate dessert and nowadays a lot of people enjoy a good glass of wine.

"There are a lot of very good dessert wines but they haven't really caught on yet.

"People are drinking more wine and they are more willing to experiment but dessert wines are still new to a lot of people.

"I would say to people give them a try if you can and always read the labels so you know what type of wine it is."

Look out for Craig's Christmas wine tips in Food News.

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