POLICE are opposing moves by a Darwen nightclub to stage all night "raves" because of fears over drug-taking and drug- dealing.

The owners of Kazy's Bar have applied to Blackburn Council for permission to open all night on Saturdays.

Andy Wright, the Euxton-based owner of the nightspot in Wellington Fold, hopes councillors will give him permission to stay open until 8am on Sunday.

But Blackburn police are making strong objections to the application and have written to the the town hall outlining their concerns.

Inspector Harry Bretherton said in the letter: "From our experience, similar events in the past have attracted large numbers of persons some of whom have a preponderance to take and sell illegal substances.

"This in itself can lead to disorderly behaviour as at similar events of recent times held at King George's Hall." Police pulled the plug on a rave party at the Blackburn hall four years ago at the height of the house craze amid fears of drug taking.

The police are also opposed to the application because they are concerned all night raves will create a lot of disturbance in the area.

Inspector Bretherton added: "These so called 'rave' parties do, by definition, attract large numbers of young persons not only from the locality but also from outlying districts.

"This in itself creates problems in respect of controlling numbers in the premises and the subsequent parking.

"Although Kazy's is situated in the town centre, there is high-density residential property.

"We feel that noise from the event and from persons attending or leaving the party would be unacceptable at such late hours."

The application will be considered at a licensing sub-committee tomorrow.

Any comments from residents and the council's pollution control section will be heard at the meeting.

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