A "KILLER gas" alert has gone out in the battle to halt house building plans in Burnley.

The newly-formed Lowerhouse Residents Association say building on a former tipping site could unlock methane, arsenic and other toxic fumes - creating danger to local people and schoolchildren.

They have lobbied councillors for support and want town hall planning chiefs to freeze a final decision on the development plans at Lowerhouse Fold - and order a full-scale analysis of the site by environment specialists.

A residents' spokesman said: "The health risks from disturbance of the site have never been assessed and the site is known to contain arsenic and probably other toxic substances such as asbestos. "The developer intends to vent methane gases on to the land, which is less than 100 yards away from Ivy Bank school playing fields."

The spokesman added: "The association believe that any risk to schoolchildren and local residents should be fully assessed and assurances given, before the planning committee make a final decision on the application to build."

More than 80 residents attended a recent public meeting to discuss the issue and more are expected at the next public campaign meeting in Lowerhouse Mills Club next Tuesday.

Council planning chiefs are due to decide the application to build on the site next Thursday, and residents aim to attend the meeting to voice their concerns.

The spokesman added: "Residents believe there has been enough development in and around the village and want to put a stop to the loss of open land and wildlife habitat."

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