POLICE in Lancaster and Morecambe are stepping up their campaign to tackle the threat of terrorism in the run up to Christmas. All sections of the public including householders, landlords and business people are being called on in a massive drive called 'Terrorism Help Us Defeat It'. A special hot-line number has been set up so people can alert the police about suspicious activities. The campaign comes amid recent rumours in the national Press of plans to reinstate the Northern Ireland cease fire.

Chief Constable David Smith, Lancashire Constabulary's head of operations, said: "The poster campaign is part of our process to remind people that they can be our eyes and ears in our efforts to counter the terrorist threat."

In particular the police are appealing for traders in Lancaster and Morecambe to keep their eyes peeled for suspicious activities. Mr Smith added: "Most businesses and shops have video cameras outside their premises. It's very important that these cameras are in good working order and that tapes are regularly checked for anything suspicious."

David Veness, assistant commissioner for specialist operations said: "We want to make the life of the terrorist as difficult as possible. I am appealing for the public to tell us what they know. Terrorists intend to kill and maim and cause massive economic damage here in Great Britain."

Specialist officers from the anti-terrorist branch will man the confidential information hotline which is 0800 789 321.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.