COLLIERY blast survivor Jack Howcroft has died in a Blackpool hospital.

Mr Howcroft, 59, was seriously burned but escaped from the 1957 pit disaster which claimed eight lives at Chanters Colliery, Hindsford.

For over 35 years he had lived in Blackpool, working as a window cleaner until illness forced him to retire 10 years ago.

His wife, Sheila, said: "I understand he was the last survivor. I am sure many people will still recall that dreadful disaster.

"His mother, Ethel, stills lives at Four Lane Ends and his two sister and three brothers all live locally."

At the time of the explosion Mr Howcroft was 19 and living in Bolton Road, Atherton. He was the youngest casualty of the calamity which happened on March 6 of that fateful year.

The Journal report of nearly 40 years ago recalled the tragedy which occurred at Chanters No 1 pit in a Plodder Mine development area, 400 yards from the pit bottom.

Four men were killed outright and four later died from their injuries.

Contemporary reports suggested the disaster could have been far worse had it been in another part of the workings, where more men were employed.

Another Atherton pit - the Gibfield - was temporarily evacuated because of underground links with Chanters.

In later years grandfather-of-six Mr Howcroft suffered from non-Hodgkins Lymphona. He leaves a wife and two sons.

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