SCHOOL chiefs are remaining tight-lipped about the whereabouts of their headteacher - who has not returned to the school after an alleged classroom incident.

Philip McDermott is officially on leave of absence since the incident at St Paul's CE School in Hoddlesden last term, and he has not returned to the school since the half-term break.

Despite news breaking last week about Mr McDermott's absence, nobody is prepared to make any comment about the incident.

Church of England spokesman, the Reverend Richard Steel, confirmed an allegation about an incident concerning classroom discipline has been made at the school, but could not reveal any further information.

He said: "The matter is being investigated by the appropriate authorities and no final decision on action has been made. We do not know at this stage when Mr McDermott will be returning to school."

Lancashire County Council officials were just as vague, adding: "We can confirm that Philip McDermott is on leave of absence but it is not possible to give any further details at the present time."

And Reverend David Beal, chairman of the school governors added: "I am sorry but I can't reveal any further information about the incident but an inquiry will be taking place in the near future."

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