THIEVES who ransacked their way through a sleeping family's home in a night time break-in walked off with . . . their pet dog.

The callous crooks are thought to have picked up the puppy as they were leaving the Tyldesley home with a stolen haul of electrical goods and cash.

The burglars searched cupboards and drawers throughout the house in Prescot Avenue, Tyldesley, and even entered bedrooms where members of the family were sleeping.

But, although a haul of videos, cameras and cash was stolen, it is the disappearance of 12-week-old Russ, a West Highland Terrier, which has caused the most heartbreak.

And today his owner, 21-year-old Sarah Crocker, offered a £50 reward for his return home.

Sarah discovered the break-in when she got up for work at 6am.

The thieves had broken in through the French windows.

Her home had been ransacked and Russ was missing from the kitchen.

"Russ is such a timid dog he would not have gone outside on his own," said Sarah.

"He is too soft. I don't think there is any doubt that he has been picked up and taken."

She added: "I'm not bothered about anything else. I just want Russ back."

Russ, a pure white pedigree, can easily be distinguished by his "goofy" front teeth.

Anyone who believes they know the whereabouts of Russ or has any information about the crime is asked to contact Tyldesley Police Station, tel: 0161 872 5050.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.