A LOCAL student will be swapping East Lancashire for the mysteries of the Far East when he jets off for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

William Fletcher, 17, of Pickup Bank, Darwen, had to tackle the gruelling Krypton Factor assault course to earn his place on the Fulcrum project to China next April organised by the Scientific Exploration Society.

William, a student at Blackburn College, will join 18 other ambassadors from the region for the three week visit to Wuhan and Chengdu aimed at strengthening links between China and the North West.

"I love adventure and I've always wondered what China would be like," said William who is studying A-Level physics, maths and chemistry. "I enjoy travelling and have been as far as Poland so China will be a real feather in my cap.

"I'll have to learn a few phrases to get by but I can't wait to go!"

The students were chosen from a short-list of 50 and were tested on their academic performance, initiative, team work and physical stamina during a weekend training exercise at Holcombe Moor army camp in Rossendale.

The venture which includes trekking in the Himalayan foothills and tours of Hong Kong and Beijing, is one of five similar nationwide community projects backed by British Airways but each student must raise £800 through sponsorship as an extra challenge.

William added: "I enjoy a challenge and am confident of making the target but would appreciate some extra help."

Companies wishing to sponsor William can call him on 701458.

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