A BID for closed circuit television in Darwen has had to be slashed by almost a half after a previous request was rejected.

Blackburn Council are now asking for a £50,000 government contribution to the £307,000 scheme, rather than the £90,000 bid which failed last year.

The council are hoping to have the CCTV system up and running by October next year.

If the Home Office gives the project the go-ahead the authority, Blackburn Partnership and the private sector will have to find the remaining £257,000.

The cash will be used to install three cameras, which would be placed at the town hall, markets and bus station.

The latest proposal, which has the full support of local police, aims to reduce the amount of nuisance and vandalism in the centre.

The cameras will be linked to monitors in Blackburn Shopping Centre's central office. There will be an additional monitor at Darwen Police Station.

Sunnyhurst ward councillor Sue Reid worked closely with preparation of the original bid. She said: "Town centre areas, in particular the bus station, have been repeatedly targeted by vandals since they were refurbished.

"The closed circuit television scheme would act as a deterrent to the youths who are wantonly vandalising the area."

Coun Reid added: "The police do as much as they can on limited resources and a CCTV scheme would certainly make their job easier by enabling them to identify these youths."

Fellow ward councillor Dave Smith said: "The council has put together a first rate scheme which has a great chance of success."

Results of the bid are due at Christmas.

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