RED Rose Gold presenter John Gillmore is being plagued by a lady fan - who is in love with his car!

John drives a smart Rover 620 Si saloon, with station livery and his name boldly scrolled onto the door.

And in the past few weeks, it has been booked in for a service no fewer than five times by an ardent lady admirer.

"I find it very amusing," John told the Citizen. "It's nice to know there is someone out there who really loves my car.

"The garage called me and said that my car had been booked in for a service. It had only just had one.

"But they were adamant. They said the lady was insistent. Then she rang again, and again. I have a fan who wants to make sure my car is in tip top condition," he quipped.

A spokesman for Dutton Forshaw said: "This lady has called us five times in all. She sounded really authoritative."

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