LEYLAND-based martial arts professional Mark Strange has been awarded a top honour in the World Chinese Martial Arts Championships in China.

Speaking from Hong Kong, 23-year-old Mark announced he had been judged Most Outstanding Competitor in the World Championships for Kung Fu forms and has received the top honour from China's renowned masters.

The tournament took place at the famous Ching Wu Athletic, with competitors taking part from all corners of the globe.

Despite Mark's success, some of the British competitors returned without even having the chance to compete.

Mark said: "All kickboxing was stopped by the Chinese army as it is illegal in some parts of China and, supposedly, all team organisers had been informed of this except for British competitors who were left totally in the dark.

"So many of my fellow competitors did not even get chance to compete.

"I am absolutely delighted with my achievement and will be returning to England with new goals for the future."

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