TOWN centre traders have declared war on thieves and hooligans who are making life a misery in Atherton.

They have stepped out from behind their forboding steel shuttered shop shields to form Atherton Traders' Association.

And now they're flexing their combined muscles to stamp out crime.

High on the agenda come meetings with Police to thrash out a programme aimed at deterring ram raiders and other thugs from preying on small shopkeepers.

Premises in Market Street and High Street have been particularly targeted and shopkeepers are not prepared to sit back and suffer.

The Association is eagerly awaiting news of a main street CCTV camera bid for spy cameras to catch hooligans in the act.

This new approach is part of a positive campaign to attract shoppers back to Atherton.

This year the town aims hopes to rival Leigh in the run-up to Christmas with lights and trees displayed on at least 30 shop fronts.

Backing the schemes are local councillors Sue Loudon, Joe Clarke and Jack Sumner and local MP Lawrence Cunliffe Shopkeepers are putting up £37,500 towards the cost of security upgrades which will enhance shoppers' feeling of security.

The new ATA secretary Pauline Holgate said: "The traders have had enough of crime in Atherton, particularly ram raiders and those who seem to take a delight in smashing shop windows.

"We are determined to stamp it out by working together and with the police in getting rid of those idiots who make life a misery for traders and shoppers.

"We want to make sure we have CCTV cameras installed in the very near future and are hoping to get hold of the £150,000 needed for the scheme.

"We expect to receive half of this amount from the Government, a quarter from the local council and the rest from private contributions.

"Everyone is also keen to make this Christmas season a bright and festive one to show the people of Atherton that we are very much in business.

"We have received a small contribution from Wigan Borough Partnership towards the cost of wall brackets for Christmas trees and lights.

"Tesco's local branch has promised sponsorship and we hope to be able to raise a couple of thousand pounds in the next fortnight to pay for it all."

And Atherton Cllr Sue Loudon added: "Our association's message is loud and clear.

"We want Atherton given back to the people who work and live here without fear, and by working together every small business in this town can stamp out crime and make shoppers welcome.

"We are fed up of being walked on by thieves and hooligans. In co-operation with the police, we are declaring war on them!"

The ATA's next meeting is on January 28 next year at Cobbles Coffee Shop.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.