DETECTIVES hunting the killer of Preston student Janet Murgatroyd have identified a man who could be their key witness.

The man was caught on security camera walking down Strand Road the night Janet died, but despite the film appearing on Crimewatch UK he failed to come forward.

After a a door-to-door search close to where he lives in Ashton and a second round of intensive publicity, including fly posters and newspapers carrying his picture, the man has come forward.

We published the latest, clearest picture of this man last Thursday - that night he called the police

Det Insp Graham Bamber said: "He has come forward as a result of someone spotting the pictures and making contact with the family.

"We were a hair's breadth away from his house when we made the door to door search on Wednesday.

"It was a friend who pointed out to him he was in the paper. Within five minutes of this woman calling us he was on the phone."

The man explained the reason he hadn't come forward before was because he doesn't read newspapers or watch television.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.