THE Port with Potential is how Fleetwood has recently been described and if Wyre Borough Council has its way that title might be set to continue for some time.

The council is pulling out all the stops to promote the town and the fishing industry which is the lifeblood of the port.

A marketing brochure and video on the town have been produced for distribution throughout the UK and Europe.

Councillor Richard Anyon, leader of the council and chairman of the economic development sub-committee, said: "The fishing industry is still a major employer in Fleetwood with around 1,000 people employed either directly in the industry or in associated activities."

Marketing the town's facilities as a port has been the job of the Fleetwood Fish Forum which is made up of the council, the Fleetwood Fish Merchants' Association, Association of British Ports (ABP) and LAWTEC.

It is hoped that raising awareness of the facilities offered in Fleetwood will help support the cost of maintaining the port infrastructure and ensure a good supply of fish for the processing businesses which operate in the town.

The forum has taken part in discussions with the national fish industry and stressed that the key to a viable harbour town is a successful fish auction.

This provides a market for locally caught and landed fish and ensures a good supply for the local processing industry.

The fleet's ability to maintain these crucial supplies depends heavily on the increased availability of fishing quota.

Councillor Anyon went on to say: "The council is doing what it can to complement the industry's efforts.

"Fleetwood is genuinely the Port with Potential and, working together, we can realise that potential."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.