GLOBE-TROTTING top cop Pauline Clare is helping keep death off the roads - in New Zealand.

Lancashire's chief constable has just returned from down under after telling the Kiwis how she is reducing road accidents over here.

She was top speaker at a major conference on road safety held in the capital, Wellington.

Mrs Clare, a leading member of the Association of Chief Police Officers' traffic committee, said: "I told them about some of the road safety developments taking place in Lancashire. It was very well received. We all agreed we have a common interest in making our roads safer.

"I was also able to learn about some of the work being carried out in New Zealand on road safety and traffic management. It turned out to be a very busy conference, but I enjoyed it immensely."

In a packed schedule, Mrs Clare toured the country's national police headquarters and met with government officials and the Governer General of New Zealand Sir Michael Hardie Boys.

She also met up with one time Lancashire detective Kenneth Boyden, an accident investigation specialist who emigrated to New Zealand several years ago.

Mrs Clare said: "It was something of a whirlwind visit but I have always wanted to go to New Zealand and I was very impressed by what I saw. I would certainly like to return and spend some more time seeing the country."

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