BEING a stranger to the UK as well as moving to a strange new neighbourhood I was like a fish out of water for a long while. However as time went by I made friends, and I soon found my way around as well as having my questions answered.

But something was missing in my daughter's and my own life. The answer was to come on speaking to one of the head's of the local primary school. I was told where Agape Family Support Group was.

Paige and I were welcomed with open arms. the staff as well as the activities are excellent for both of us, and we both felt right at home and I knew that if I had a problem, no matter what it may entail, I could rely on any of the Agape staff for help, advice and total discretion.

Agape's main aim is to see that both mother and children are happy, safe and not alone.

Our Mondays and Thursdays would be empty without them, and I would still be alone far from home. Thank you Agape, you're the best!

Gia Pasotti

Higher Folds.

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