POLICE in South Ribble are bidding to improve road safety by clamping down on cyclists who take the law for a ride.

A new campaign, launched by officers in Leyland, Penwortham and Bamber Bridge, follows concerns about a growing number of bikers who don't ride safely or sensibly and flaunt road traffic laws. Cyclists being targeted, in the project which aims to reduce the potential for accidents, will include:

Riders who do not have properly maintained bikes;

those riding on pavements or without lights at night;

ensuring that people wear the right safety gear and

routine stops to check for stolen bikes.

Chief Inspector Mike Robertshaw from Leyland Police said complaints had been received from the public: "I hope people regard this as us responding to their concerns.

"People are riding on pavements and without lights are a considerable nuisance." He added it was important to educate people, especially children, saying: "If it is children involved we will write to parents and tell them the law and what they can do to help us."

Police have also warned that with Christmas coming up and many expensive bikes being bought it can become a very lucrative time for thieves.

Anyone buying a new cycle should consider buying the necessary security equipment as well as safety gear to wear on those dark, winter nights.

Cyclists persistently breaking the law may be prosecuted as part of the campaign.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.