A VISITOR to Worden Park, Leyland, claims someone could be killed if hazard signs are not put up next to a deadly stream.

Frederick Stock of Southport was walking his dogs through the park last week when he took a short-cut.

But as soon as he stepped into the stream he began sinking in what seemed like quicksand.

He said: "My feet went down so fast I didn't know what was happening. If somebody else wasn't as sharp as I was, it could have been more serious. A child could have drowned."

Mr Stock managed to clamber up the banks on the other side where he saw danger signs warning people to keep out. He said: "It should have been fenced of on the other side as well. There was nothing stopping me going in. This is negligence on the part of the council."

A spokeswoman from the council said that if Mr Stock contacted them they would be happy to go to the potential danger spot and see what could be done.

She said: "We will go down there and look at it with him. But unless we know exactly where it is, there is little we can do."

Worden Park includes 157 acres of parkland with a stream running right though it. Several areas have been fenced off including swamp and marshy ground, to keep members of the public from potential danger areas.

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