A WOMAN whose grandson was knocked down at a busy accident blackspot, has demanded action before a child is killed.

Anne Byrne, of Manor House Lane, hit out at speeders just a couple of months after five-year-old Matthew was hit by a car outside her house.

His accident was the latest in a series of several in just nine months involving children being run over on the Holme Slack estate.

Mrs Byrne said: "He was very lucky in a way - he was hit by a car going at a relatively reasonable speed.

"Most cars round here drive at 50 or 60 mph. If it had been one of those he would not be here today. Another child may not be so lucky."

Last week police presented a report about blackspots in Preston including Ribbleton Avenue, Blackpool Road and Garstang Road at a borough council meeting.

But Councillor Terry Cartwright, who also lives on Manor House Lane, said it neglected estates like Holme Slack.

He said: "Seven children have been knocked down on this estate since February.

"Something needs to be done, and soon, before a child is killed. I want the police and the County Council to look carefully at estates.

He added: "More and more people are using estates as rat-runs for short-cuts."

Sergeant Stewart Moxham, of Preston Police, said: "We have just undertaken a study to find out where all accidents are happening and we are formulating ways of solving problems.

"Our records say that there have been three children knocked down and injured on Holme Slack estate since February."

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