CHILDREN in Need got off to a colourful start on Friday with people taking to the streets of Preston and Leyland in all sorts of weird and wonderful costumes.

A team straight from the cast of the Flintstones was roving round Fishergate while a posse of cowboys and indians from Preston Marriott Hotel in Garstang Road were holding-up guests and asking for cash.

In Leyland, staff from Thomas Cook dressed up as cops and robbers and visitors to the Midland Bank in Preston were met by a collection of Pudsey bears, some real and some toy!

It was the same story all over town - a good excuse to dress up and have a good time, all in the name of charity.

A bottle of Bollinger '45 champagne, found in the cellar of Preston's Town Hall, was donated to the Children in Need appeal by Mayor Ron Marshall.

It was raffled by Radio Lancashire during their coverage of Friday night's events and raised £180.

Last year, the BBC appeal raised more than £16 million which went to almost 3,000 children's charities, ranging from national organisations such as Barnardos, to smaller less known groups.

Pudsey and his helpers and now busy counting the cash ready to distribute to needy groups around the country. If you haven't donated, there's still time. Just call 0345-33-22-33 to arrange it.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.