CAR parking at the now-closed Castlecroft Fairground site in Bury could continue next summer - with a view to becoming permanent.

Subject to agreement by leisure services bosses, the site will be opened to the public from April to October next year.

And if the scheme is given the go-ahead, the site will be permanently staffed and parking charges introduced.

Although the news was welcomed by traders this week, they would still like parking to be free.

If next year's scheme is a success and funding is available, the car park will be opened on a permanent basis, complete with security and lighting.

The decision was welcomed by members of the Bolton Street Business Club, who have asked to lease the land themselves in a bid to see the car park stay open.

They want to run the car park themselves, keeping it free to the public and paying for it with contributions from local shops.

Mr David Warburton, who has a business on Bolton Street, said: "We are delighted that the experimental scheme has been a success, but we are not so delighted that people may have to pay to park there in the future."

The traders are waiting a decision from the council's leisure services department, which could allow them to lease the land for the remainder of the winter.

"We want it open for the good of Bury," said Mr Warburton. "But most importantly we want it to be free."

They have already won the support of Tory leader Counc David Higgin who supported the traders' plan at the latest meeting of the full council.

He said: "They want to help themselves and shops to provide facilities at no cost to the council.

"It's not contentious and it's not political. They feel Bolton Street has been left high and dry in the development of the town centre." He added: " Let's show them we support them." Although now closed, the car park will be opened - and free - each Saturday in the run up to Christmas.

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