A COUNCIL has branched out to make South Ribble more interesting - in a bid to attract visitors and educate youngsters about the advantages of trees.

South Ribble Borough Council representatives joined local schoolchildren for a special tree planting ceremony at Gregson Lane Playing Fields, Hoghton, to mark National Tree Week.

The youngsters, from Brindle and Gregson Lane Primary Schools, helped the Mayor, Councillor Mrs Betty Greenland and Councillor Alan Dawson plant 50 shrubs and small trees.

Oak and ash trees will improve and add height to the open area which is close to a community centre and shops.

Councillor Dawson, Chairman of SRBC's Recreation and Amenities Committee, said: "A lot of trees have been destroyed through development so to my mind something like this is very important.

"We are also educating the children. But I was surprised how much knowledge they already have about trees and hopefully having helped plant the trees they will keep an eye on them and look after them," he added.

Councillor Dawson said he hoped these new trees would attract people to different areas of South Ribble.

Today, (November 28), the Mayor and Councillor Dawson planted a tree in the arboretum at Worden Hall to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Leyland Inner Wheel.

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