JUST one second robbed Blackburn-based rally driving ace Nigel Worswick of a top 10 finish on the tough and testing Network Q RAC Rally.

That's how competitive it was on a rough and rugged event which tested drivers' skills to the limit as Britain's forest tracks were held in the icy grip of arctic conditions.

Nigel, aged 40, told the Citizen: "I'm frustrated by the fact that ultimately Clive Molyneux and myself finished in 11th place, losing a cherished top 10 position by one second - but the tight nature of the last two stages didn't suit our car as well as the nippy little VW Golf which just pipped us for tenth spot.

"But to finish 11th in a class field is rewarding enough. It's a great result, make no mistake, and I'd like to thank our main sponsors, Allen Bradley Industrial Automation, and Michelin Tyres, for their support."

In fact, Michelin helped by providing some of their revolutionary puncture proof 'mousse' tyres.

"On one particular stage we hit a rock which would have punctured a normal tyre and that would have cost us a lot of time," said Nigel. "Thanks to those special tyres we kept on motoring."

Nigel's efforts put him third in his class - behind eventual rally winner Armin Schwarz, and second placed Masao Kamioka.

Nigel added: "We had a great battle with Golf driver Raimund Baumschlager and I don't think I've ever driven so fast. It's quite some feeling travelling along a narrow forest track at 90 miles per hour in a car weighing one and a half tonnes, and which has four tiny patches of rubber on sheet ice for grip."

Nigel now plans to put his feet up for a well earned rest before his next outing, at the Camelot Theme park on December 28.

That's where the Charnock Richard Stages Rally takes place, with the action beginning from around 9am.

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