AS A woman took communion at the Parish Church on Church Street, Preston, a man stole her handbag which contained cash and personal papers.

The crime took place on Sunday, November 10 around 10.15am. The thief was white, about 30 years old, 5ft 8ins tall and had collar length hair. He wore light coloured trousers and a maroon jacket with a green and red slash design.

A BALACLAVA-wearing thief knocked on a woman's front door and demanded money on Wednesday, November 6 at 6.30pm.

The man, who was carrying a knife or screwdriver, pushed his victim to the ground before making off with her handbag which contained personal papers and a substantial amount of cash.

He was slim, 5ft 10ins tall, 20-30 years old and possibly had a slight Irish accent. He wore a black woollen balaclava, dark jeans and a blue or black nylon padded bomber jacket.

A FLASHER exposed himself to a 14-year-old school girl as she cycled past him at the Newgate Lane, Chainhouse Lane junction in Preston at 5pm on Friday, November 8. He made off down Newgate Lane.

He was white, medium build, 20-30 years old, 5ft 8ins tall, medium build and had short, dark hair. He wore a black leather waist length jacket and dark jeans.

A red coloured saloon car was spotted in Newgate Lane which possibly belonged to the flasher.

A DRIVER filled his car up with more than £20 of petrol, went to the kiosk then made up an excuse to go back to his car and drove off without paying.

He was white, local, in his mid 20s, 5ft 10ins tall, slim, pale and clean shaven. He had mid-brown straight hair in a pony tail and wore a green t-shirt with a Levi Strauss motif and black jeans.

A THIEF entered a nursing home on Station Road, Bamber Bridge on the pretext of making enquiries about a relative. While staff were occupied he stole some cash. He had olive skin, brown eyes and his speech was slurred. He was 5ft 8ins tall, slim and wore a striped green and blue top and dark trousers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.