ONE World One Hope is the theme of this year's World Aids Day which takes place on Sunday December 1.

The aim is to raise awareness of HIV/Aids, halt the spread of the dreaded virus and remove the stigma and discrimination experienced by sufferers.

More than 21 million people around the world are living with HIV/Aids, 40 per cent are women and an estimated 7,500 people become infected every day.

HERE in the North West the number of people infected with the Aids virus is frighteningly high - we have the highest rate outside London.

In Preston, 65 people tested at the Genital Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic at the Royal Preston Hospital have been found to be infected.

And the latest figures show a surprising rise in the numbers of heterosexuals contracting the virus, 25 of those testing positive in Preston are heterosexuals and a large proportion are women.

But Mark Buckley of the North West Lancashire Health Promotion Unit said the real number of people infected was closer to 650.

He said: "We don't know how many people tested at the Preston GUM clinic actually live in this area because the service is completely confidential.

"People presenting themselves at GUM clinics do so voluntarily so they are obviously aware of the risk they have been under.

"But it's the residual figures, those people who are carrying the virus without knowing it who present the problem."

He warned that people of all sexual tendencies should become more vigilant and not treat Aids as the 'gay plague'.

He said: "These figures show that heterosexuals need to become more aware of safe sex - people having sex should use a condom."

Anyone who wants to talk in confidence can phone the Health Education Aids Liaison (HEAL) hot-line on 0645-800321. It's open 7-9pm and calls are charged at local rates.

WORLD Aids Day December 1 is being celebrated across the county with various events including:

giant bill board painting at Preston and Blackpool railway stations, with passengers taking part, sketching their views of different countries of the world;

displays in the Body Shop, Friargate; Morrison's, at the docks; Town Hall foyer; Well Women's Centre, New Hall Lane; and other venues in Preston;

Information stands at the University of Central Lancashire in the Harrington Building, Student Union, and student services;

distribution of free condoms all day by the university;

HEAL volunteers will be at the Park Night Club in Charnock Richard on Thursday November 28 and Saturday November 30 handing out leaflets;

HEAL will also be recruiting new volunteers to help run the phone lines and to support the carers of Aids sufferers, anyone interested in joining the HEAL team should call Peter Worden on 01695-50740. Joining forces

against HIV

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