A PREGNANT woman who is due to give birth this week spent a night with only a blanket for warmth after her gas meter developed a fault.

Zonia Cunningham, 21, says she was left to shiver in a cold house while her repeated requests to British Gas for help fell on deaf ears.

Engineers finally rectified the problem with a newly installed pre-payment meter yesterday, more than 21 hours after the fault was first reported.

Speaking from her home in Ivinson Road, Darwen, she said: "Gas is my only means of heat and it was ridiculous that I was left without a supply for so long.

"I spent the night huddled in blankets. It was freezing and can't have done the baby any good."

Engineers called at the house during the early hours of the morning when Zonia had fallen asleep.

In the morning they promised to call after 9am but came earlier and missed her by 10 minutes. Her father, Graham Woods, is furious about the way his vulnerable daughter was treated.

He said: "We explained about Zonia's condition but it didn't do us any good. I am disgusted that she was forced to spend a night with no heat.

"I have even tried to complain to the gas consumer body but the phone lines are constantly engaged.

"It turns out that the problem was with the batteries which should have been replaced when the meter was fitted last week.

"My wife has lodged an official complaint about the fiasco."

A spokesman for British Gas explained: "The bad weather has increased our engineers' work load in the East Lancashire area.

"It is very unfortunate that a heavily pregnant woman had no supply for this length of time, but we did make two attempts to gain access to the property."

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