COURAGEOUS eight-year-old Martin Redhead who suffered terrible injuries in a road accident is home after a recovery that has astonished doctors.

Martin was brain damaged when he suffered serious head injuries in the accident on September 2 and spent two weeks in intensive care in the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, after the collision at the junction of Hermitage Street and Derby Street, Rishton.

After two-and-a-half months in hospital Martin is now back with his family in George Street, Rishton, looking forward to Christmas.

He receives daily physiotherapy at Queen's Park Hospital, Blackburn, and is set to start Blackamoor Special School, Blackburn, on Monday.

His mother Carole said: "Martin is still the same little boy it's just his body won't quite do what he wants.

"He's had a lot of adjusting to do and he does get quite frustrated at times.

"We are now just all looking forward to a lovely Christmas at home."

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