DON'T fall for Christmas 'puppy love.' That's the message from council dog wardens who are asking people to think very carefully before buying a puppy as a Christmas present.

Each year puppies are bought with good intent but end up neglected and left to roam the streets.

Many of these 'latch key' dogs are picked up as strays, are the cause and victims of traffic accidents and create nuisance and annoyances in parks, playing areas and school playgrounds.

Says Chairman of Environmental and Design Services, Councillor Joe De Asha: "Remember that a dog needs lots of time, loving commitment and expense throughout its life if it is to be kept in a proper and responsible way. Today's small playful puppy will grow up into tomorrow's dog needing lots of food and exercise."

This year abandoned dogs have been a bigger problem than ever for the council's dog warden service. Some are re-claimed by their owners or found new homes but, sadly, many have to be put to sleep.

IF you have a problem or need advice, please ring the service on St Helens 456335.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.