CHILDREN as young as nine years old have been risking death by sniffing lighter fuel.

The children, all from the Southfield area of Nelson, bought the fuel at local shops, and now shopkeepers in the area are backing a move to prevent more solvent abuse.

Traders at four shops decided to stop selling products which can be abused after beat bobby PC Dieter Neve told them he had discovered seven youngsters who were putting themselves in danger.

Community officer Dave Cunliffe said: "The police alone cannot do everything themselves and would would like to thank shopkeepers for their sensible approach.

"We would ask all retailers to consider how they can help prevent these products getting into the hands of unsuitable people. Children can be very inventive, and even turn to crime to obtain what they want.

"Parents and shopkeepers should make themselves aware of the danger products and takes steps to avoid what will lead to a tragic death.

"Shopkeepers can, and will, be prosecuted for making unscrupulous sales but we would ask those people, if in doubt, not to sell.

"A responsible parent wouldn't send their child to the shop for such things."

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